IFTTTrigger-Alexa-Actions Webhook
Trigger an Alexa routine using a webhook directly without going through IFTTT.
Already subscribed to unlimited-IFTTTriggers ?
You are all set for unlimited webhooks as well. Skip to the next step.
On the free plan ? Here's how to Subscribe.
Cost is $5/
month/YEAR. - Submit the same Amazon email used in sign up above. Look up errors here.
- The access token and trigger names will be emailed to you, do not share.
- Choose a Trigger name from those used in your IFTTTrigger Alexa skill. Webhook trigger names have additional constraints since they are part of a HTTP request. They must use English characters only without spaces. '-' and '_' are fine. Here's how to Add or add Rename triggers. You can add unlimited triggers.
- Your webhook url: https://mkzense.com/webhook/alexa/{TOKEN}/{TRIGGER-NAME}
- Make a GET request to your webhook. Returns a JSON response
- In your Alexa app, create an Alexa routine, in the WHEN section look for a device under Smarthome with one of your trigger names.
- Use the Test Webhook button below to trigger your Alexa routine with the trigger name chosen above.
What is a Webhook / Web-API ?
Simply put it is a way to invoke a service using the language of the Web. This protocol is HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) Return to Top
What can I use Webhooks for ?
With Webhooks you can send your triggers to start Alexa routines independent of IFTTT. Automation platforms like IOS shortcuts, Shelly take webhooks. Since a webhook is standard HTTP, you can do so from a linux script (using wget or curl), or a DIY IOT device using an Arduino or any other embedded platform. Return to Top
I can't find the email with my token
If using gmail, check your promotions tab. Check spam folder. You can submit your email again without the token changing.
Webhook JSON response
On success: { "data": [ { "id": "SUCCESS::(region):(email):(triggername)" } ] }
On error: {"errors":[{message:(error-type),"id":"FAILED::(region):(email):(triggername)"}]}
- Different error-types:
- Unknown-Trigger-Name => The trigger name specified was not found.
- Unknown-Token => The token does not exist, check for typos. Cut and paste token from email. Submit email again to retrieve token if necessary.
- ALEXA-ENDPOINT-REFRESH-TOKEN-INVALID: Amazon Alexa endpoint error, Resolve by Refreshing Alexa skill.
- For other error types (rare), user will be emailed cause and suggested resolution.
How do I make a GET request ?
If using an automation platform (like IOS shortcuts), paste the url and set type of request to GET. Web-browser: Cut and paste webhook url (https://mkzense.com/webhook/...) into the address bar. From unix,windows,mac os command line: Try wget or curl. For embedded devices (like ESP8266, ESP32) read this. Return to Top
I get an Error when I submit my email, resolution ?
No IFTTTrigger account found for [email] : The email was not the Amazon account email used in linking your Alexa IFTTTrigger skill.
[email] not an IFTTTrigger subscriber: The user with this email is not a subscriber. Here's how to Subscribe
Are the webhook requests rate limited ?
Yes, it is currently set at 4 requests per minute per user, to avoid Denial of Service attacks. Return to Top
My token was published by mistake, I need to revoke it
Send an email to info@mkzense.com, to delete the leaked token permanently. Return to Top
What is a HTTP GET request ?
Within HTTP there are different types requests. The simplest is a GET, which was used to fetch the page your are viewing right now. A GET request only needs the URL (https://mkzense.com/webhook/....) Return to Top
I have an embedded device, HTTPS is too complex, can I use HTTP ?
Yes, you can. Simply make the GET request with http://mkzense.com/webhook/... instead of https://. HTTP is not secure. Understand the application. If your webhook will be activating a notification message, it maybe fine. In the worst case you will get spurious notifications, and you can cancel your token. If your webhook is part of a routine unlocking your home, not a good idea to use HTTP. Return to Top
What is HTTPS vs HTTP ?
HTTP sends the data in plain-text (not-secure). HTTPS (HTTP-Secure) encrypts all data so that only the receiver can decrypt and decipher the data. It is the user's responsibility to determine their security needs. Whenever possible use HTTPS. Return to Top
Why is your skill confusingly called IFTTTrigger ?
Legacy. It started off as a bridge between IFTTT and Alexa. The name was to help people find it easily in the Alexa skill store. With webhooks it no longer has to rely on IFTTT. Return to Top
Why do you charge a subscription ?
There is no competing service at $5/YEAR. Maybe charge monthly at 42 cents ? The transaction fee to process a credit card each time is 30 cents ! I know its hard to believe but it does cost $$s to host the service on the cloud 24/7 - 365 days a year. The goal is to at least partially cover the cloud hosting cost. Return to Top